Delaunay Raster
The Delaunay Raster is an original graphical process I invented in 2008, to create abstracted versions of images using the Delaunay Triangulation, color averaging and hand assisted placement of points.
Delaunay Raster was developed using Scriptographer and color averaging by Jurg Lehni.Please note that the tool is not currently for sale to the general public and any other implementation of the technique has been developed without my approval unless otherwise noted.
If you are interested in having illustration work done using the Delaunay Raster technique, please feel free to contact us. The Delaunay Raster technology itself is also available for licensing for larger projects.
Delaunay Raster Technology
Delaunay Raster Imagery
The following is a very small selection of the work that I have been doing using the Delaunay Raster technique since 2008 till now.
Images for Bold Italic

Armand Mevis

Ken Garland
Images for America Online
Unused Sketches for America Online

Portraits for Esquire Russia